Speaker Resources

Poster Presenters

Please see the Poster Presenter instructions for information on Poster Printing and other important details:



Please find the room number for your session in the conference program and arrive 30 minutes before the start of the session. Introduce yourself to the speakers and the A/V technician. If anything goes wrong during the session, the A/V tech will be able to get in touch with TOS.  There will be a notebook on the lectern with housekeeping announcements and the bios that each speaker supplied, for introductions. The schedule for the session is published in the program. Please make sure the session starts and ends ON TIME, not early, not late. We are recording and  all sessions for ondemand, and we need them to be the published length. You are in charge of moderating Q&A. Please be sure to repeat any questions into the microphone (if not delivered into the audience mike), so that recording listeners hear both the question and and answer.


On-Site: Please check in in the Speaker Ready Room (210A of the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas) to let us know you arrived at the conference and double check that the correct slides are loaded for your presentation. Please do this as early as possible, preferably right after you arrive at the conference.  Please find the room number for your session in the conference program and arrive 30 minutes before the start of the session.

Speaker Ready Room (210A) Hours 

  • Saturday, November 2: 8:00am – 7:00pm
  • Sunday, November 3: 7:00am – 7:00pm
  • Monday, November 4: 7:00am – 7:00pm
  • Tuesday, November 5: 7:00am – 7:00pm
  • Wednesday, November 6: 7:00am – 11:30am

Deadlines: PowerPoint Presentation and Handouts – due October 9 (conflict of interest) or October 23 (no conflict of interest)

Avoid using recycled presentations: Participants attend ObesityWeek® for original content and dynamic speakers. If you have presented on the same topic elsewhere, please update your slides and your content to reflect a presentation unique to ObesityWeek®.

Use people first language: The Obesity Society requires all presenters to use people first language in presentations, handouts and while speaking during your session. Please click here for full information.

Do not switch talk topics: Attendees choose to sit in on sessions for the content that has been advertised. Please adhere to the topic you have agreed to speak about for the amount of time allotted. If there is a problem with the topic, please reach out to [email protected] to discuss options.

Promotion: Promoting any commercial interest over others in the same category is not allowed, per ACCME rules. For example, promotion of equipment, drugs, commercial diet plans, books, etc. Use generic names whenever possible, and avoid using logos. Note: Attendees complain when presenters talk about their own books. Please do not self-promote.

Slide Formatting:  ObesityWeek slide template is available for download. Please use the OW slide template, which incorporates your headshot photo on every slide in the upper right corner. If you can’t, please add your headshot to the upper right corner of every slide. This is important for ondemand recordings of the session.

Do not include a disclosure slide – it will be generated automatically from your COI Disclosure Form.

Never use commercial logos or brand names in your presentation. If you must to prevent learner confusion, please request explicit permission from [email protected].

All slides must be formatted Widescreen (16:9) to avoid distortion when projected. To check or change slide dimensions in PowerPoint, go to the Design tab, then click on the Slide Size button on the far right.

Videos MUST be embedded in the slide to work in the session room. Do not link to a website from your slides – it will not work.  If you wish to do a poll or something requiring internet, please contact [email protected] to discuss options.

If you have a conflict of interest, after you have submitted your slides, you may not make substantive changes to them without informing [email protected]. Formatting updates are ok without informing us, but anything substantial has to be reviewed for ACCME compliance. We appreciate your cooperation.

Handout as PDF: At a minimum, upload a 1 page handout with key take-aways. Attendees desperately want a summary document they can refer back to when they get home.  You don’t have to share your slides, but please help reinforce learning with a short PDF handout.