Exhibitor should complete, sign and submit this contract to Obesity Week, LLC. The rules and regulations governing use of this exhibit space contract are set forth in the “Contract Terms and Conditions,” available on the following page of this document. These rules and regulations are incorporated by reference into this contract, and by executing this agreement, the Exhibitor agrees to be bound thereby as if same had been set forth fully herein.
Exhibit space reservation will be confirmed and an invoice issued upon receipt of a signed contract.
Exhibit location will be confirmed upon receipt of exhibit space payment. The payment for booth space is due within 30 days after the invoice date. First time exhibitors must pay by ACH no later than October 18, 2024. After that date, first time exhibitors will be required to pay by certified funds.
ObesityWeek® reserves the right to cancel space not paid in full by October 18, 2024. By signing this contract, the company is responsible for the exhibit booth fees outlined hereof (including cancellation of booth space based on the cancellation date).
After receipt of invoice, to pay by credit card or ACH, click here to
Pay Online . Mail a check to Obesity Week, LLC, (c/o Accounting), 9211 Corporate Boulevard – Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20850-3852. Please contact Stephanie Garcia at
[email protected] for international wire transfer instructions.
All cancellations must be received via email to
[email protected] . Prior to July 1, 2024, exhibitors will be refunded 50% of cancelled booth space. No refunds will be issued after July 1, 2024. Exhibitor forfeits all booth benefits upon cancellation.