Corporate Supported Symposia
Corporate Supported Symposia are educational programs that are planned and conducted by the corporate community in conjunction with ObesityWeek. They are held in convention center and connected hotel space that is easily accessed by all conference attendees during times outside of the official scientific program. Corporate symposia are listed on the interactive conference schedule where all conference attendees can easily find them. Program content is the sole responsibility of the corporate sponsor. CME and promotional aspects of ObesityWeek will be separated geographically as required by ACCME. The ACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education apply. New for 2023, basic AV is included in the pricing of the symposium. Room sets are crescent rounds and may not be altered. See application for details. First choice of time slots goes to Platinum Sponsors.
Price: $50,000 (includes A/V)
Time Slots, Locations, Capacity
Dallas Convention Center Ballroom D including foyer (capacity 400)
Saturday, October 14 Late Afternoon (before opening general session)
Saturday, October 14 Evening (after opening general session)
Sunday, October 15 Morning
Sunday, October 15 Evening
Monday, October 16 Morning
Monday, October 16 Evening
Tuesday, October 17 Morning
Omni Trinity Ballroom including foyer (capacity 330)
Sunday, October 15 Evening
Monday, October 16 Morning
Monday, October 16 Evening
Tuesday, October 17 Morning
Included With Basic Fee
Audio system
Dual rear-screen projection (16:9 wide screen; 8,000 Lumen)
Riser with back drape
12-fixture ground supported stage lighting
8 LED PAR lights, for back drape uplighting
Confidence monitor
1 wired lectern mike
2 wireless microphones
2 wired floor mikes
Setup, production, and tear-down labor
Overnight security

Additional Pricing:
Buffet Breakfast – $TBD per person for specific predetermined menus OR contract directly with facility catering
Buffet Dinner – $TBD per person for specific predetermined menus OR contract directly with facility catering
Freeman A/V Audio Recording (no video) – $650
Freeman A/V One Camera Video Recording – $2,000
Includes: 1-HD Camera on tripod
1 – HD Recorder
Setup/strike of event with all necessary cabling and convertors included
Crew: Audio Engineer and Camera Operator
Freeman AV Two Camera Video Recording – $3,500
Includes: 2 – HD Camera on tripod
2 – HD Recorder
Setup/strike of event with all necessary cabling and convertors included
Crew: Audio Engineer and 2 Camera Operators
Freeman AV Three Camera Video Recording – $7,750
Includes: 3 – HD Camera on tripod
Production Switcher
Wired Comms
Setup/strike of event with all necessary cabling and convertors included
Crew: Director, Audio Engineer, and 3 Camera Operators
Freeman AV 24-Hour Recording Delivery Option: $500 surcharge
After your session, we’ll upload your content to our cloud-based site and send a secure link to download your content. Depending on needs, we may also provide an external hard drive at an additional cost which would be determined at the time of estimating services.
Internet – Contact Smart City at TBD for custom quote
For Additional Information, Please Contact:
Stephanie Garcia, CEM, PMP
Phone: (240) 485-1954
Email: [email protected]