Save money on conference registration by volunteering as a room monitor!  If you see highlighted cells in the schedule for sessions you are willing to monitor, you can still volunteer and receive benefits by asking onsite at registration, you just can’t sign up in advance any longer because we’ve already printed out all the forms. We do still need additional help, though. Just ask if there are still any shifts available at the registration desk.

What is a room monitor?

The volunteer near the room entrance who checks that those entering the room are wearing a badge and who counts the number of people in the room, completes the room monitor form, and returns it to the registration counter. Room monitors are the eyes and ears in the session room, alerting conference staff to any problems.

What do I get for being a room monitor?

Your choice of 1) $100 refund of conference registration to the credit card you used to register (processed after the end of the conference) or 2) ObesityWeek 2024 OnDemand Session Recordings (available January 2-December 31, 2025 – up to approximately 90 CMEs.) Plus a big THANK YOU from The Obesity Society!

How many sessions do I need to monitor?

Three to four sessions of your choice (one day’s worth), first come, first served.

Do I get to watch the session?

Yes! You are encouraged to sign up for sessions you wanted to attend anyway. During the session, please stay inside of the room.

How do I pick up my room monitor forms?

At the Onsite Services desk at Registration after you pick up your badge to the conference.

Where do I return my room monitor forms?

At the Onsite Services desk at Registration after you have completed them.

What if I can’t make my assigned session(s)?

Please let [email protected] know as far in advance as possible.

My session has 4 room monitors. Why?

Two of the rooms are huge with 4 sets of doors. Each monitor should take a different set of doors.

In Case of Session Room Emergency

There is emergency contact info on the monitor instructions (attached to the forms you pick up at registration), in case something unexpected happens in the room.